Information / News:

Please Note: Wilson Township provides this site for: Basic Information and Calendar Updates to our Township Residents and as a courtesy to others. Any questions should be directed to our Wilson Township Board Members or Township Staff.

Attn:  Wilson Township Residents:  Here is the link to sign up for a free well test kit: Request a Private Well Test Kit 

Or paste the following into your browser:   

If you need help filling out the form or email  

Once you sign up the lab will ship a test kit to you. It may take a few weeks to receive it in the mail. The box will include instructions and sample bottles, once you mail it back it will take about a week or so for them to email your results. If any contaminant is over the limit there will be guidance on what to do in the email.
Anne Nelson
Partner Engagement and Communications Specialist | Water Policy Center
Minnesota Department of Health
Office: 651-201-4366

Attn: 4H Members:  If you need a key to use our Town-Hall:  Please contact Shannon Marg: 


Township Hall Rental Information:

For Wilson Township Residents:  $75.oo a Day
For Non-Wilson Residents:            $150.oo a Day
Total Capacity:                                      98 People
Please contact:  Katie Meyer   (507) 458-4987 or
Please Note: Reservation Fees are due upfront and are Non-Refundable.

2020 Zoning Ordinance
Building, Repair, Remodel, Demolish Application
Township Officials Election Process
Oriental Bittersweet Infestation 2016 update
2015 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Useful Septic System Tips
Tree Clearance – Private Driveways
Vendor bidding – services and commodities
​Wilson Town Hall Parking Ordinance

Blackberry Road will be closed from 12/1/2024 to 3/31/2025

Certificate Applications

Please send all Planning & Zoning Requests to:

Pat Pawlowski


Purchasing Bulk Water:
For Wilson Residents Only: $.07 Cents per gallon for Bulk Water
For Commercial Clients: $.10 Cents per gallon for Bulk Water
Please Note: Wilson Township does “not” fill private Swimming-Pools


Wilson Township Address:

29660 County Rd. 12, Winona, MN 55987

Please contact: Josh Murphy – Fire Chief at