Wilson Township is located in Winona County in Southeast Minnesota. The Wilson Township Board of Supervisors approved this web site to promote local government transparency and provide a convenient source of township news and issues of interest for our residents and visitors. This web site is a communication tool we can all use to stay informed. Wilson Township officials encourage our residents to periodically review the information contained herein, and feel free to contact us should you have issues or concerns.

Attn: 4H Members:  If you need a key to use our Town-Hall:  Please contact Shannon Marg: 

Attn:  Wilson Township Residents:  Here is the link to sign up for a free well test kit: Request a Private Well Test Kit

If you need help filling out the form or email health.privatewells@state.mn.us
Once you sign up the lab will ship a test kit to you. It may take a few weeks to receive it in the mail. The box will include instructions and sample bottles, once you mail it back it will take about a week or so for them to email your results. If any contaminant is over the limit there will be guidance on what to do in the email.
Anne Nelson
Partner Engagement and Communications Specialist | Water Policy Center
Minnesota Department of Health
Office: 651-201-4366

Attention:  If you don’t see your Upcoming Hall Rental on our Calendar:  Please contact Katie Meyer at (507) 458-4987 or email:   jjkameyer@hotmail.com

Wilson Township Address:  29660 County Rd. 12, Winona, MN 55987